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2024 Tornado Resources

Hunter Education

Before obtaining a hunting license in Adair County, you may need to be certified in hunter education. Learn about the DNR Hunter Safety Education Program and visit the DNR website to register.

Follow the link below to sign up for our upcoming class!

Upcoming Class

Iowa law requires that anyone born after January 1, 1972, must be certified in hunter education before they are eligible to purchase an Iowa hunting license. For information, you may contact Grant Gelly, IDNR Conservation Officer, at (712) 250-0303. Learn more about hunter safety on the DNR's website.

DNR Hunter Safety Program

If you're interested in taking a hunting education class, visit the DNR's event registration page to browse upcoming events.

DNR Online Registration

Students under the age of 18 will need a parent/guardian over 18 to create an account for them and then register them into the class.

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