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2024 Tornado Resources

Park Rules

The parks and recreation of Adair County are provided and maintained for your enjoyment. Please be mindful of the following basic rules.
  • Parks are open 24 hours. Quiet hours are from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • The speed limit is 25 mph except as otherwise posted. Vehicles are to park in designated areas and should not be driven off roadways.
  • Swimming is permitted at Mormon Trail Beach only. The beach is open from 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. No glass bottles, jars, or containers are permitted on the beach. The beach is unsupervised and ACCB assumes no liability for death or injury to any person swimming in any area.
  • Camping is permitted for properly-registered campers and in designated areas only. Limit of 14 consecutive nights.
  • Fires may be built in fire rings or grills only.
  • Possession of beer in containers larger than one quart is prohibited without written special use permit.
  • Pets shall not be allowed to run at large. Owners are responsible for maintaining areas occupied by pets.
  • It is unlawful to destroy, deface, or injure plant life, buildings, or other facilities.
  • No weapons, fireworks, or dangerous substances are permitted.

A complete list of rules is posted at each park.

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