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2024 Tornado Resources

Permits, Policies & Programs

Use the search tool below to find Adair County road permits, policies, and programs.

Other Information


Driveway Permit

Any new driveway or widening of an existing driveway that is located in the County’s right-of-way must have a permit. This will require approval from Adair County personnel before any work is begun. $50.00 application fee.

Single Trip Permit

Permission to transport an oversize/overweight load on county roads to destination. This will require approval by the Adair County Engineer before any transportation is permitted. $35.00 application fee.

Round Trip Permit

Permission to transport oversize/overweight load on county roads to destination and then return. This will require the approval by the Adair County Engineer before any transportation is permitted. $70.00 application fee.

Annual Oversize/Overweight Permit

Permission to transport oversize/overweight load on county roads for one year from date issued. This will require approval from the Adair County Engineer before any transportation is permitted. $50.00 oversized fee & $400.00 oversized/overweight application fee.

Tile Crossing Permit

Any tile crossing or work done in the County’s right-of-way. This will require a signature from the upstream landowner and the downstream landowner, and also approval from the Adair County Engineer before any work is begun. $250.00 application fee.

Permit to Work in Right-of-Way

Permission to occupy certain portions of public right-of-way for the accommodation of a sign or signs. Will require approval from the Adair County Board of Supervisors and the Adair County Engineer before any work is begun.

Utility Permit

Utility permit application for telecommunications, electric, gas, water and sewer utilities.


Adopt-a-Roadway Program

The objective of this voluntary program is to increase public awareness of the environmental and
maintenance needs along Adair County’s roadways by using adopted sections of roadsides as an
example of the opportunities available for the public to improve the condition and appearance of our County.

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Questions? Please contact Sawyer Hansen.

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