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2024 Tornado Resources

Environmental Health

Environmental Health

2002 State St.
Guthrie Center , IA 50115
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Environmental Health

Adair County has a contract with Guthrie County to operate its Environmental Health program. This arrangement allows Adair County to save money while helping to fund Guthrie County's department.

The Adair County Environmental Health department provides a wide range of services to county residents:

  • Well programs include testing, construction permits, plugging, and renovation.
  • Private sewage system programs include percolation tests to size systems, issuing permits for construction, inspecting installations, and answering questions for residents. Water testing Radon testing program
  • Swimming pool, spa, tanning bed, and tattoo parlor inspections
  • Inspection of septic tank/portable toilet pumpers
  • Time of transfer septic inspections 
  • Complaint investigation is also a function of this department. We receive and investigate complaints on animal neglect and abuse, dumping and other garbage issues, illegal burning, tenant complaints regarding rental home conditions. and animal bites.

Environmental Health Website

Installing or Replacing a Septic Tank

Anyone who needs to install or replace a septic tank in Adair County must contact the Guthrie County Environmental Health Department. After a percolation test is done, a permit will be issued and an inspection will be done before the system is covered up. The Environmental Health department works with the contractor and homeowner to see that a properly designed system is correctly installed by the contractor.

Drilling a Well

Both State and County permits are required when drilling a well. The Environmental Health department and the well driller work together to see that they are in compliance with these rules. After the well is completed, a water test is done as part of the permit. Heat pump wells also require a permit.

Grants to Counties Program

The Grants to Counties Program is a very important program. It provides cost-share money to plug abandoned wells, rehabilitate existing wells, and to do water testing on existing wells. The State provides each county with funds to utilize this program.

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