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2024 Tornado Resources

Housing and Financial Assistance

Available housing and financial resources for impacted Adair County residents

FEMA Assistance: Deadline for residents was August 23, 2024

  • FEMA can provide money to eligible applicants for help with serious needs, paying for a temporary place to live, home repairs and other needs not covered by insurance.
  • Residents are encouraged to apply online and upload documents at disasterassistance.gov

  • If you think you've been denied assistance, contact FEMA to be sure they have your correct information. Make sure to have any letters received from FEMA prior to calling.
  • What to have when calling the FEMA Hotline:
    (If you don't have all of these items, FEMA can still help)
    • Address with ZIP code
    • Condition of your damaged home
    • Basic list of your property damage, losses and needs
    • Insurance policy information, including the policy number
    • Social Security number of one member of the household
    • Phone number where you can be contacted
    • An email address or physical address where you can get mail
    • Bank account information for direct deposit of funds

Insurance Claims and Fraud

  • Contact Matt Mortvedt at the Insurance Fraud Bureau. 


Follow these official county sources on Facebook for additional updates.

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To submit any photos of the damage you sustained, the tornado itself, or any pictures of the tremendous work that volunteers are doing, please use our Google Form.

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Proclamation of Disaster Emergency

Governor Reynolds has authorized a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency for Adair County, activating the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Disaster Case Advocacy Program. The Iowa Individual Assistance Program provides up to $5000 to eligible households with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level. The Disaster Case Advocacy Program works with individuals to address serious needs related to injury or hardships caused by a disaster.