Mist · 25°
Helpful Phone Numbers
Here is a list of service providers and contact phone numbers.
Helpful Numbers
- Mediacom: Customer Service / Technical Support: 1-855-633-4226
- Windstream: Account & Service Support: 1-800-347-1911
- Alliant Energy: Customer Service Support: 1-800-255-4268
- Greenfield Municipal Utility: Customer Support: 1-844-580-0810 option 2
- Greenfield City Hall: 1-844-580-0810 option 1
- Verizon Wireless: Customer Service: 1-833-837-4966
- US Cellular: Service Support: 1-800-766-9811
- Adair & Guthrie County EMA Coordinator Jeremy Cooper: 641-431-1358
Follow these official county sources on Facebook for additional updates.
Share Photos & Videos
To submit any photos of the damage you sustained, the tornado itself, or any pictures of the tremendous work that volunteers are doing, please use our Google Form.
Proclamation of Disaster Emergency
Governor Reynolds has authorized a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency for Adair County, activating the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Disaster Case Advocacy Program. The Iowa Individual Assistance Program provides up to $5000 to eligible households with incomes up to 200% of the federal poverty level. The Disaster Case Advocacy Program works with individuals to address serious needs related to injury or hardships caused by a disaster.