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Hunting & Fishing Licenses
The Recorder’s office sells fishing, hunting, fur harvester, deer, and wild turkey licenses. Habitat, migratory bird, and trout fees may be purchased as well. Our office also has other special licenses available including:
- Annual Fishing License for persons with permanent severe physical or mental disabilities
- Annual Hunting & Fishing License for low income or permanently disabled
- Veteran Lifetime Hunting/Fishing/ License
- Authorization to use Crossbow for Deer/Turkey Hunting
- Game Breeders License
- Permit to use a motor vehicle on game management areas or parks by non-ambulatory persons
- Annual Fishing Permit for substance abuse/health care facilities or juvenile shelter care homes
- Instructions and application for Landowner/Tenant Registration for deer or turkey
For additional information visit the Iowa Department of Natural Resources or contact the DNR at 515-725-8200.