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2024 Tornado Resources

Recreational Vehicles

The County Recorder is responsible for the registration and title of boats, snowmobiles and ATV’s.

Licenses & Registrations

IDNR User Permits
All snowmobiles operated on public land and ice in the State of Iowa must display an IDNR user permit in addition to the registration decal issued from Iowa or another state. The requirement to display an IDNR user permit only applies to ATVs, ORMs, and ORVs registered in another state.

Off-road Utility Vehicles
ORVs will be required to be registered and titled in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 321I.


Boat registrations expire on April 30th, every three years starting in 2007. Boat fees are based on the length of the boat. All boats 17 feet and longer require a title (except canoes and kayaks).

Items needed when transferring a boat

  • Bill of Sale
  • Most recent registration (signature of seller required on back of registration)
  • Title, if applicable (signature of seller required on back of title)
  • Proof sales tax has been paid, if applicable
  • Application for Registration, Title and Security Interest

State Sales Tax Information

  • Sales of boats and other watercraft in Iowa are subject to the state sales tax plus local option sales tax, if any. This applies to sales by individuals and dealers.
  • Anyone purchasing a boat from an individual should obtain a sales receipt that shows the cost of the boat. The buyer will then pay the sales tax on the cost of the boat to the County Recorder.


All snowmobiles operated in Iowa on ice or a designated trail must have a current registration decal displayed on the machine. The decal must be placed on the windshield or area closest to the headlamp so that it is clearly visible. Registrations expire on December 31 of each year. Titles are required on snowmobiles registered since January 1998.

Items needed when transferring a snowmobile

  • Bill of Sale
  • Most recent registration (signature of seller required on the back of registration)
  • Title, if applicable (signature of seller required on the back of registration)
  • Proof sales tax has been paid, if applicable

All-Terrain Vehicles

Any ATV or off-road motorcycle operated on ice, designated trails, or an OHV park must have a current registration decal displayed on the machine. On an ATV this decal must be placed so that it is clearly visible on the rear of the machine. Registration is not required for ATVs being used only for agricultural purposes.

Items needed when transferring an ATV

  • Bill of Sale
  • Most recent registration (signature of seller required on the back of registration)
  • Title, if applicable (signature of seller required on the back of registration)
  • Proof sales tax has been paid, if applicable
  • Application for Registration, Title, and Security Interest

Forms and Resources

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